
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Me arrive today at hanan's house at 8.30am to do makeover for both she and her mom..I did the makeover for solemnisation as well but as usual didnt bring my camera huhuhu..have to get it from hanan's photographer...anyway selamat pengantin baru hanan and zaf...

hanan b4

In the making..

looking pretty in pink...


Anonymous said...

u made my girlfriend look so pretty on her big day :)

nazliman said...

ohh thank u dear..;-)

Darya said...

abg li!!! a lot of pple liked your artwork! thank you so much for your magic touch!

Butterfly3636 said...

cantik ! mcm muka yatt pun ader

nazliman said...

to darya - jenuh mikir sapa laa darya nihh..haha rupenyek pengantin baru...

to ammelia - org nya kalo tak makeup mmg dah sedia cantek very flawless skin..