
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

my dear rosie...her nikah day..

(august 2007) rosie is also the sister in law of sofia datuk ahmad..hehe..her nikah is
happening on the 18th august...i was sooo not well headache and flu..huhu...but alhamdulillah everything goes well.At least my hand is not shaking while doing the makeup....and she looks stunning wearing the outfit that we both have design and the material is all from jakarta...and thank you rosie for your patient coz the last minute thing on your baju..hehehe...but its perfect on you...selamat pengantin baru my dear....

1 comment:

GrITsymposium said...

Abang Nazli's work memang kelasss. That day mmg kelamkabut, my face was really comot before that but thanks to you, you saved my day hehe. Ntah bila lagi abang nak calit muka Rosie lagi kan? Dah la abg bz manjang je nowadays. Asalkan abg still sanggup jahit my baju pun cukupla